Monday 30 October 2017

Wednesday 13 September 2017

2017-09-13 - Red sleeves continue.

Sucks, red, itchy. No end in sight... Some days are better than others, seem to go through waves of red and swelling to it dying right down.
Stress is bad, can guarantee a flare up in the hours following getting stressed.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Monday 10 July 2017

2017-07-10 - Might not have just been TSW for the past couple of months, might be some Ibuprofen side-effects.

So immediately after my last post, I stopped taking Ibuprofen. This "flare" had been lasting a lot longer than the others, so I got suspicious.
Withing 24 hours I noticed my skin feeling so much better and the splitting in the crook of my right elbow healing. 
Here we are basically a week after I stopped taking 200mg of Ibuprofen every 3 hours (I started soon after I could feel the flare starting a couple months ago!):

Monday 3 July 2017

2017-07-04 - Skin has reverted to a red weepy mess again

So frustrating after feeling like things were getting better over the past week, the redness has returned. Can get sooooo itchy as well.
Still taking 200mg of ibuprofen every 3 hours.

Skin on hands is bad, especially right hand little finger knuckle and outside of wrist. 

Thursday 29 June 2017

2017-06-29 - further easing of the redness, itchiness remains

Things are getting slowly better, having to continue taking 200mg of Ibuprofen every 3-4 hours to stop the redness, heat and itchiness returning however.

Friday 23 June 2017

2017-06-24 - flare might be finally easing

Taken after a hot shower, so fairly pink, but itchiness has eased and healing better. I'm keeping my arms covered in arm length bandages which helps. 

Wednesday 7 June 2017

2017-06-07 - bad weeping, so itchy

Really itchy, skin rubbing off, weeping like crazy, forming drips off my arm sometimes! Have rubbed some Sudocrem in, but kinda washes in...

After shower next morning, you can see droplets forming on them already:

Found that wrapping my arms in bandages is helping a bit, stops me from constantly scratching them at least, a bit of pressure on them relives the itch a bit too.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

2017-06-01 - inside of elbows still flaring badly

So itchy and sore. Not sure why the arms look so different here, must be the lighting, although the right arm is a bit worse than the left. 
So sore and ITCHY!!!! GAH!!!

Monday 15 May 2017

2017-05-15 - Half a year of splitting knuckles and now an inside elbow flare starting around 2017-05-01.

Well, so far this year I've just been putting up with cracking/splitting knuckles on the backs of both hand and itchiness.
Then about two weeks ago I got a flareup on the inside of my elbows. Here's a couple of pics, where it's just started dying down. Itchy as heck:

Interestingly enough, while the flareup on the inside of my elbows is happening, the splitting on my knuckles is dying down. Certainly not completely, but noticeably better.

Wednesday 1 February 2017